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I've Been Gone For a Long Time, How Do I Get Back Started??

Updated: May 15, 2022

I have heard this question a lot in my many years of doing ministry, especially when I seek out college to career working young adults. The search for who we are and what we believe is a lifetime journey. Some of us may have had religion forced upon us until we graduated high school. What happens then when we have had something we have HAD TO DO (even without a personal choice) now all of sudden becomes something we can DECIDE NOT TO DO?? I can speak personally as a 35 year old Youth Minister, married with 2 kids; I went almost 2 years choosing NOT TO DO IT! I look back now and say that I don't think it came from the fact that I didn't believe in God, but more so that I had a CHOICE not to do it (if that makes any sense lol). It wasn't until my wife and I started dating and made a decision that attending Sunday Mass together was going to be our new norm and that it was important to us that our relationship was centered on something bigger than ourselves. I can say that it was the best decision I have made as we have been married 10 years and have really strived to keep God at the center of our marriage. the original question; how do I get back started if I have been gone from the faith for a long time? It is important to remember this most important point, God never stops pursuing us. He loves us and desires to be in a relationship with us no matter how far we run (purposefully or not lol). I would say that the best place to start is getting back to Mass. This can be difficult as it could be something that you always saw as "boring" or maybe it's seen as intimidating. It is the central piece of being Catholic and that is exactly the place to start. Will it come with its own set of challenges? ABSOLUTELY! But the Holy Spirit is always there to help and guide us. Lastly, find a group of people that you can surround yourself with as support. Not to self advertise but it truly is the place to find the right people who can help walk with you in your journey. Remember that everyone is on their own journey and NEVER compare where you are to someone else. Know that we are here to pray for you, to walk with you, and to stumble with you along the way. God Bless!!


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